
Centre of Aboriginal Languages and Culture

The Centre of Aboriginal Languages and Culture (CALC) is situated within UCN’s Faculty of Arts, Business and Science (FABS). A key objective of CALC has been focused on the promotion, preservation and revitalization of Aboriginal languages for the benefit of children, communities, students and future generations.  With the support of Elders, parents, communities and learning institutions, CALC seeks to promote the values, beliefs and traditions of Indigenous peoples and communities and welcomes opportunities for dynamic and innovative collaborations.  

Our work celebrates the rich heritage of the first peoples of Manitoba and recognizes the importance of language and culture. We also acknowledge the interrelatedness of culture, history, knowledge, stories, and beliefs of each individual within the ‘Wakōhtowin’ (kinship) circle, rooted in the respect for ‘aski’ (the land) and all living things. Our work is guided by Indigenous methodologies and practices and is produced collaboratively and/or under the guidance of knowledge keepers, language keepers and teachers, and/or elders to ensure.

Speak Indigenous

Speak Indigenous is an initiative focused on Indigenous languages. Canada is home to diverse First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples, each possessing unique cultures, and languages. More than 70 distinct Indigenous languages are spoken throughout Canada today a number of these languages are endangered. 

Addressing and reversing trends associated with language loss lies within our reach. Individuals and organizations, Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, can take up the work of supporting and revitalizing Indigenous languages. Thus, creating safe spaces for Indigenous languages is essential. Creating safe spaces for Indigenous language learners and speakers also affirms the importance of Indigenous languages.


Certificate in Teaching Ininimowin

Certificate in Teaching Ininimowin (CTI) is an academic program housed in UCN’s Centre for Aboriginal Language and Culture and was created to address gaps and opportunities in Indigneous language acquisition and training. The program features combined hands on training and instruction in language and education. (CTI) is the only post-secondary Cree language program offered entirely in Ininimowin and is informed by Indigneous methodologies and pedagogies. The program is currently offered as part of UCN’s Community Based Services; this allows for maximum flexibility. The Program Consists of ten 3-credit hour courses + 1 credit hour course.


Partnerships and Resources