A Memorable Education Experience Awaits

New Students
Enroling for the first time? Schedule a chat with one of our recruiters to look over program requirements and apply to the course that you want.

Your previous schooling matters even when you switch schools or change courses. Find out how you can apply to UCN and transfer your school credits by talking to one of our admissions counsellors.

Adult Learners
The average age of students at UCN is 30. Learning never stops and our instructors and staff are experienced with effectively teaching individuals who are coming back to school.

International Students
Enjoy university experiences found nowhere else. As an international student, you will gain knowledge and hands-on training in a northern environment.
The Registrar's Office
The Registrar’s Office manages the academic activities of all students, as well as the academic records of all UCN students (past and present). Find more information on things like registration, tuition and fees, appeals, student transcripts and more.

How Much Will Your Certificate, Degree, or Diploma Cost?
Plan for your university studies with our program cost sheets. You can use these resource materials to calculate how much you will spend to attain the education you desire.
Financial Aid Opportunities
Don’t let a lack of monetary capability for university studies stop you from receiving the higher education you deserve. You can always check out opportunities for financial aid and student grants.
Assessment Services
Applicants who do not meet the admission standards for their programs may need an assessment. The assessment is a collection of tests that evaluates the applicant's proficiency in English and Mathematics. Some college programs require a mandatory assessment as an additional requirement. Applicants applying under the Mature Student Classification in college programs are required to complete the assessment.
Already Admitted? Let’s Get You Started at UCN
From registering for classes to claiming your UCN ID, we have an online portal to help you settle everything you need as a UCN student. You can also apply for housing, find scholarships, and more.

Application for Letter of Permission
Application for Retroactive Withdrawl
Authorization for Release of Information
Confirmation of Enrolment Request Form
Continuing Education Admission Registration
Letter of Intent - Continuing Students
Level 2 - Senior Administrator Resolution Form
Level 3 - Appeal Board Resolution Form
Official Transcript Request Form
Request for Incomplete Grade Form
Appeals Forms