Zulfqar Hyder Awan. Ph.D. Assistant Professor
English, FABS
204 677-6405 ex 2
[email protected]
Modernist British Literature, South Asian Modernism, Postcolonial Literature, Postmodern Literature
Courses Taught
ENG-4001 Special Studies: Modernism and Colonialism
ENG-3016 Eighteenth Century and Romantic Literature
ENG-3013 Special Topics: Postmodern Fiction
ENG-2420 Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG-2415 Introduction to Shakespeare
ENG-2301 Images of the North, U.C.N.
ENG-2015 Fathers and Sons in Contemporary Global Fiction
ENG-1016 Major Works and Authors of British Literature
ENG-1015 Major Works and Authors of the 20th Century
ENG-1010 Thematic Approaches to the Study of Literature—Depiction of Disease in Literature
IDS-1003 Academic Research and Writing
ENG-1002 Composition and Creativity
ENG-1000 Introduction to Literature