
Governing Council

The Governing Council has overall responsibility for the university college and is accountable to the Minister appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council for the organizational performance of UCN. Governing Council works diligently to fulfill the duties in accordance with the University College of the North Act (UCN Act). Both the Learning Council and the Council of Elders have representation on the Governing Council.

Council of Elders

The Council of Elders is to promote an environment at the university college that respects and embraces Aboriginal and northern cultures and values.  The Council of Elders is also to promote an understanding of the role of elders within the university college. Both the Governing Council and the Learning Council have representation on the Council of Elders.

Learning Council

The Learning Council is responsible for the academic policy of the university college.

The Learning Council is to advise the Governing Council, and the Governing Council must seek advice from the Learning Council, about the following matters:

  • The mission, vision and values of the university college;
  • policies on the qualifications of teaching staff;
  • the terms of an agreement to develop and deliver joint academic programs.

Both the Governing Council and the Council of Elders have representation on the Learning Council.

Office of the UCN Tri-Council

The Office of the UCN Tri-Council coordinates and facilitates the activities of the Governing Council, and the Council’s standing and ad hoc committees; the Council of Elders; and the Learning Council.
Contact us with any questions.


Tanya Pidskalny
UCN Tri-Council Executive Officer
PO Box 3000
The Pas, Manitoba R9A 1M7
Phone: (204) 627-8649
Email: [email protected]