Tariqul Islam PhD Assistant Professor
Faculty of Arts, Business and Science, Social Science
204 627-8627, ext 4
[email protected]
Dr. Tariqul Islam is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Arts, Business and Science at the University College of the North (The Pas campus), Manitoba, Canada. With over a decade devoted to university teaching and research, Dr. Islam views teaching as an art, and his teaching philosophy is student-centered. His research areas include access barriers to healthcare services among immigrants, Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations, race and ethnicity, northern youth, healthcare and support services of northern seniors, immigration settlement services, and health and human development.
Courses Taught
UC.SOC.1005: Introduction to Sociology
UC.SOC.1006: Introduction to Sociology 2
UC.SOC.2000: Classical Social Theory
UC.SSC.2000: Introduction to Research Methods
UC.SOC.2001: Contemporary Social Theory
UC.SOC.2200: Sociology of Education
UC.SSC.3150: Survey Research Methods
UC.SOC.3700: Social Movements
UC.SOC.3801: Sociology of the Family
UC.SSC.3810: Sociology of Aging
UC.SOC.3850: Sociology of Health & Illness
UC.SSC.4900: Issues in Health Care
UC.SSC.4901: Directed Readings in Social Sciences