
Natural Resources Management Technology

This two-year diploma program emphasizes interrelationships among natural resources including forests, water, fish, and wildlife.

Graduates are prepared for careers with government and private agencies as technicians involved in wildlife, fisheries, and forest research and/or management, park wardens, natural resources officers and environmental technicians.

UCN NRMT graduates who wish to further this education may receive credits at the University of Manitoba, the University of Winnipeg, Brandon University, the University of Lethbridge and other institutions.

NRMT loves hardcore camping!

The Natural Resources Management Technician Program students get to experience winter and fall camp. The camps take place in semi-remote wilderness settings where students are immersed in the life of fieldwork and camp living. Take a look.


  • The NRMT program has been training quality graduates who work in a variety of natural resources fields for over 30 years
  • Dedicated staff work closely with students in the field, classroom, and lab to provide a unique educational experience
  • Small class sizes ensure that each student gets hands on instruction, and our focus on field skills produces capable and dependable field technicians
  • Our fall and winter camps take place in semi-remote wilderness settings where students are immersed in the life of field work and camp living
  • Working relationships with government agencies and private industry allow us to expose students to real world experiences that enhance their education
  • NRMT graduates can transfer credits to many other post-secondary institutions

Ready to Attend?

Learning Environment

  • About 60% of the time is spent in the classroom and about 40% in labs and field activities. 
  •  All classes are scheduled and full time attendance is required.
  • Average of 30 hours of instructional contact per week and the student should expect to spend an additional 15 to 20 hours a week working outside of scheduled class time.
  • Scheduled hours may be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekly with some weekend and extended weeks to accommodate field trips and camps.  Evening classes may be a possibility.
  • Field trips range from one day to three weeks away from The Pas.  The trip may involve staying in remote camp situations for extended periods. 
  • Must have the ability to take notes in the field and classroom and work independently to solve problems.
  • Expected to fully participate in group and individual projects including oral presentations.

Working Conditions in the Program

Expect to work:

    • in various adverse conditions, such as cold, wet, hot, or peak insect seasons
    • with hazardous materials e.g. lab chemicals and gasoline
    • with potentially dangerous equipment e.g. chainsaws, snowmobiles, power tools and outboards
    • in remote areas with minimal supervision under unpredictable circumstances
Medical and Physical Expectations, Relating To The Program and Including Future Employment Opportunities
  • Good physical fitness, endurance, and coordination for some work activities e.g. walking distances up to 10 km carrying a backpack in various environmental settings including uneven terrain with many obstacles.
  • Physical coordination for field work e.g. walking in water in waders carrying gear.
  • Strength for heavy lifting – students may be required to lift materials up to 27 kg.  Type 1 Wildfire Fire Fighters employed in Manitoba are required to demonstrate the following strength skills in a timed circuit:
    • carry a medium pump (28.5 kg) on the back and in the hand,
    • lift and carry on the back a hose pack (25 kg), and
    • advance charged hose (56 kg).
  • Good vision for identifying various biological specimens, identifying hazards in the field, and operating various equipment (e.g. boats, chainsaws).  Note that colour blindness may limit your future career options.
  • Adequate hearing for animal identification.
  • Note that students may need to use all of these skills at once – e.g. carrying a box of fire hose through the bush requires strength, endurance, coordination, good vision, and good hearing. These are part of the foundation of a solid technician.
  • Allergy and dietary requirements/conditions must be disclosed. Dietary requirements during remote camps may be the sole responsibility of the student.
Records Checks and Driver’s License
A Criminal Records Check and Child Abuse Registry check is not required for entering the program; however, it may be a requirement for certain employment opportunities.  Most employment opportunities require a valid driver’s license, and some positions require a Class 4 driver’s license (e.g. Park Patrol Officer – R.O. 1).  A suspended driver’s license may restrict student participation in some activities in the NRMT program e.g. boat operation.

Inquire for Additional Information

Learn more about our programs at UCN. Reach out to us today.