J. Keith Hyde PhD Associate Professor
English/ Social Science
204 627-8627
[email protected]
In the classroom, I prioritize active analysis and discussion-based engagement with literary texts so that students acquire both academic and life skills in close reading, critical thinking, writing, and dialogue. Like a good pot of tea, learning is something that is best shared together. My research interests include interdisciplinary discourse between English literature, theology, and philosophy; the writings of Soren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche, access barriers to health care services in northern Manitoba, and northern Manitoban history.
Courses Taught
- ENG.1000 Introduction to Literature
- ENG.1015 Major Works and Authors of the 20th Century
- ENG.1010 Thematic Approaches to the Study of Literature
- ENG.2000 Contemporary Canadian Aboriginal Literature 1: Prose
- ENG.2015 Selected Topics: Fairy Tales and Fantasy
- ENG.2300 Images of the North 1
- ENG.2301 Images of the North 2
- IDS.1000 Foundations of Student Success
- SOC.3801 Special Topics in Sociology: World Religions
- SSC.3030 The Reformation.
"Sakachuwescum, 'Apostle of the Swampy Cree'"
"The Rev. Henry Budd, Sr.: A Webinar for Sam Waller Museum"