IUS, The Universities and You

Your Home University
Your home university is the university from which you hope to graduate. Students choose their home university from:
Brandon University
University of Manitoba
University of Winnipeg
University College of the North
Choose Your Home University
Choosing your home university can be based on a number of variables:
ability to meet the entrance requirements
a degree program of choice
where you might choose to go to summer school if necessary
if you intend to complete many of your courses through independent study
You must follow the academic requirements of your home university.
Changing Your Home University
If you decide after your first 24 credit hours or four full courses that you would prefer another home university, then a transfer can take place. Your decision on a home university at the time of your first registration is not necessarily a final one.

Student Support
You've taken a very big step by registering in a University course. Congratulations! You have just begun a wonderful journey that will open your mind to new ideas and your life to new possibilities.
The material in the Student Support section of our website is designed to assist you along the road to success.
Each section has general, basic information and is not, by any means, complete. More extensive material can be found in a library, through your instructor or student advisor.
Mixed emotions are probably running through your mind including excitement and fear of failure. So how can you both be excited and frightened? Well, you and many other students before you have felt this way. Many students have been out of school for several years before returning to formal education. Many people found schooling to be an unproductive and unsupportive environment. You may reflect upon your own experience as an unhappy one. The apprehension you feel now is a result of those negative experiences.
University is different than secondary school. You are likely to find yourself more focused on your studies than in the past even though you are busier than you ever imagined you would be. Your classmates form the "community of learning" and are more likely to be supportive of rather than critical of one another.
You know you have many capabilities and have learned much in the school of life. Trust that your ability to learn in the wider world is the training ground for you to learn again in a formal education setting.
Commitment, motivation and hard work will take you a long way down the road to successful completion of university courses.
One small sentence says it all: If it is to be, it is up to me.
You are ultimately responsible for your own education. Many people along the way will support you if you ask but you are the one that really has the control.
The material in this series, Student Support is designed to assist you along the road to success.
- academic counseling
- study skills assistance
- library services
- general needs
Information About Inter-Universities Services
The Off-Campus Student
Access to the Instructor
- office hours
- telephone contact
- face to face contact while in the community
- UCNLearn
Students taking a course through IUS have access to library services at,
University College of the North