Greg Stott PhD. Associate Professor of History
Faculty of Arts, Business and Science
204 677-6450 ex. 5039
My interests and work focus on nineteenth and early twentieth century Canada with a wide-ranging interest in suburban, community, and family history. I have contributed to various scholarly journals but have also produced works that are aimed at a largely a non-academic audience which is interested in local and family history.
Courses Taught
HIS. 1000 Pre-Confederation Canadian History, University College of the North.
HIS. 1001 Post-Confederation Canadian History, University College of the North.
HIS. 2105 World History and Modern Western Civilization I, 1500 to 1763, University College of the North
HIS. 2155 World History and Modern Western Civilization II, 1763-2000, University College of the North
HIS./ANS. 2200 The History of the Fur Trade & Aboriginal Societies, University College of the North.
HIS./ANS. 2250 Métis Nation, University College of the North.
HIS. 2400 United States History: Beginnings to 1865, University College of the North.
HIS. HiS. 2450 United States History: 1865 to Present, University College of the North,
HIS. 2900 Canadian Social History, University College of the North.
HIS. 3000 Canada the World: 1867-1945, University College of the North.
HIS. 3801 Special Topics: History of the Canadian Family
HIS. 3801 Special Topics: Women and the World Wars, University College of the North
HIS. 3801 Special Topics: Histories of Latin America, University College of the North.
HIS. 4200 Canadian Political History, University College of the North.
HIS.4401 Special Topics: British History, 1783 to 1945, University College of the North.
HIS. 4901 Directed Readings: Aboriginal Peoples and the USA.