Faculty of Education and Early Childhood Education

teepee gathering

Kenanow Bachelor Of Education

The Kenanow Bachelor of Education is a northern-based and Aboriginal-focused teacher education program. The program melds the wisdom and guidance provided by Elders in northern Manitoba with the certification standards and academic expectations of Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning.
During the development of the program, extensive consultation occurred with a variety of regional stakeholders. The suggestions, opinions, and knowledge shared by the stakeholders are reflected in the program content. The Kenanow program philosophy reflects the mission statement of UCN. The Seven Sacred Teachings – wisdom, respect, truth, humility, honesty, bravery and love – are embedded in the design and delivery of the program. Please see the Kenanow Model.
The program has a Middle Years focus but prepares graduates to teach students at all grade levels. The program aims to graduate teachers who are aware of and responsive to the needs of their students. When implementing curricula, graduates of the program will have the skills to link provincial curricula in culturally meaningful way to the life experiences of their students. Graduates of the program will not only be proficient enough as teachers to effectively meet the needs of children and youth in the north, but capable of teaching effectively anywhere in Manitoba. Graduates of the program are eligible to apply for professional certification through Manitoba Education.

Early Childhood Education

The UCN Early Childhood Education programs prepare you to be a leader in educating young children in a culturally appropriate environment. The demand for well-trained Early Childhood Educators to guide the next generation of children is at a critical level across Canada.

99.9% of ECE students from the program get the job of their choice prior to graduation

The UCN ECE program has a variety of options for your training:

  • 40 Hour Child Care Assistant courses (evenings fall and winter terms)
  • Full-Time 2-year day diploma program
  • Part-Time 4-year diploma program
  • Workplace diploma program 2 days a week, 2-years (must be working in a licensed child care facility)
  • Early Learning and Child Care Post Diploma Certificate (leads to ECE III certification)

Diploma graduates are eligible to receive classification as an Early Childhood Educator Level II from Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care.

The UCN ECE program is recognized by the Child Care Qualification and Training Committee and is provincially accredited by the Government of Manitoba.

ECE Web-8

Educational Assistant

The Educational Assistant certificate program is a paraprofessional certificate program designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to provide educational assistance to students, teachers, counsellors and other educational professionals in a variety of settings. Educational Assistants are valuable members of the education team. They play an integral role in creating a well organized, and successful inclusive classroom.

Indigenous and Northern Counselling

The Indigenous and Northern Counselling Skills Program provides the knowledge and skills required to provide guidance and support in a culturally proficient and professional way for Indigenous and northern peoples. All courses reflect Indigenous worldviews, ways of knowing, and culture.  Theories of healing and health also include Cognitive Behavioural, Strengths Based, and Solution Focused Counselling.

Elder Indigenous woman showing medicine.

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Learn more about our programs at UCN. Reach out to us today.