News Releases

UCN Grows Information Technology Opportunity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 30, 2022 (The Pas/Thompson, MB) – For the first time ever, the University College of the North (UCN) will run three simultaneous information technology (IT) programs with the help of Future Skills Centre. UCN IT projects received additional funding from Future Skills Centre to continue operation through the 2022-2023 academic year.…

UCN Appoints Helga Bryant as Next Dean of Health

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 18, 2022 The Pas/Thompson, MB) – University College of the North (UCN) has appointed Ms. Helga Bryant, RN, BScN, MScA, as UCN’s next Dean of Health. Her appointment begins in May 2023. Helga holds a M.Sc. in Administration (Health Care) from Central Michigan University and has been a Registered Nurse since…

UCN Expands in Thompson with North Forge Partnership

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JULY 27, 2022 University College of the North Expands in Thompson with North Forge Partnership (Thompson, MB) – The University College of the North (UCN) recently opened The North Forge North Fabrication Lab (Fab Lab) in Thompson in partnership with North Forge and community partners.North Forge North Fab Lab is a fabrication…

UCN Information Technology Project Trains Indigenous Women for Technology Careers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 13, 2022 (The Pas/Thompson, MB) – University College of the North’s (UCN) information technology (IT) project received additional funding from Future Skills Centre to continue operation through the 2022‐2023 academic year. Future Skills Centre is investing $1.09 million to expand and modify this project following an earlier investment of $996,300. The…

UCN announces new program to help applicants prepare for Diploma in Practical Nursing.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 11, 2022 (Flin Flon/Swan River/Thompson, MB) – University College of the North (UCN) is excited to announce a new program to help applicants get ready for the Diploma in Practical Nursing (DPN) program.The program was created in response to Manitoba government’s multi-year investment of up to $4.3 million for additional nurse…

UCN Collaborates on Fish Stock Monitoring Program

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 9, 2022 (The Pas/Thompson, MB) – University College of the North (UCN) will continue to administer the Collaborative Stock Monitoring Program (CSMP) in partnership with the Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba, and Indigenous fishers in northern communities. CSMP is a unique training initiative and data collection partnership to achieve sustainable…

Near-Net-Zero Greenhouse Operating on UCN Campus

(The Pas, MB) – University College of the North (UCN) is operating a low (near‐net‐zero) energygreenhouse on The Pas campus. The construction of the greenhouse began in 2020 in partnership with the Composites InnovationsCentre (recently rebranded as CIC Engineering) with the primary purpose of strengthening foodsovereignty, community health, and student learning opportunities within northern communities.…

University College of the North Library Completes ‘Elder’s Traditional Knowledge’ Archive

(Thompson, MB) – The University College of the North (UCN) Wellington & Madeleine Spence Memorial Library at the Thompson campus completed a 16‐week long digitization project to create an online archive titled Elder’s Traditional Knowledge. The project in partnership with the Keewatin Tribal Council was made possible through the Libraries and Archives Canada’s funding Listen,…

University College of the North Announces New Governing Council Board Chair

(The Pas/Thompson, MB) – University College of the North (UCN) today announced Becky Cianflone, previously a member of the Governing Council since 2018, has been appointed as the new Chair of the Board. Effective immediately, Cianflone succeeds Cam Mateika, who recently retired after serving as Chair for the past 3 years. “I’m excited to continue…

UCN Keeps Vaccine and Masking Requirements in Place Until End of Current Term.

(The Pas/Thompson, MB) – University College of the North will continue vaccine and masking requirements for students, employees and visitors until the end of the Winter Term on Friday, April 22, 2022. UCN moved many courses online in response to the pandemic. The decision to keep current vaccine and mask requirements in place will avoid…