Issue 9

Article 20: Summer Adventure Savings Challenge

Jodi Johnson It was a beautiful May morning, and Daisy Povey’s alarm abruptly interrupted her peaceful dream. It was time for her to start the day.   She had a quick shower, got herself dressed and made breakfast for her three children before it was time to wake them. She quietly tip-toed into each of their…

Article 19: The Women Beside You

Jett Bignell            This is the story of how I died. When I say this, I do mean literally. The girl with the bright future and all the promise in the world, gone. Was it worth it? Were the temporary moments of love and affection worth the abuse? Abuse, when people hear this, they never…

Article 18: Missing Missy

Jamie Bignell            I was in the first grade when I met her.  I didn’t know then that she would be my heart-to-heart dog, but she was!            I remember coming home early from school. We were sent home because a snow storm was bearing down on my town. As I opened the door to…

Article 17: You Will Never Understand: A Parody of “I Tell You True” by Ali Cobby Eckermann

Madison Gurniak            Ali Cobby Eckermann was born in 1963 in Adelaide and identifies herself as a Yankunytjatjara/ Kokatha. As Aboriginal, Eckermann has endured some of the distressing challenges the community has suffered in history. She was adopted at a tender age and continually suffered sexual abuse and immense racism. She gave birth at the…

Article 16: My Mother’s Hands

Tena Hart As I look upon my mother’s hands, I see the beauty of the world that she has held. In every vein and wrinkle her soft hands speak of a life that is filled with love, triumphs, and adventure. With her hands she has traced love into the tiny fingers of me and my…

Article 15: “You should’ve drowned that thing in the piss pot!”:A Memoir about my Grandmother

Jill Burton When she thinks back on her childhood and my grandmother utters those words sometimes, she laughs, a dry hollow laugh, like the wind blowing through a birch tree in the dead of winter.  Sometimes she’s silent and it takes my brain a few seconds to unravel the actual words and put them into…

Article 14: Anterograde

Ally Finnerty The warm autumn morning of September 21 is the vacation day. The sleeping beauty, Bianca Blue, is fast asleep in her bed. She is a young woman living alone in a tight-knit apartment complex with her neighbours living close by. With her parents living across the country, she must fend for herself to…

Article 13: An Indigenous Male Perspective of Indigenous Feminism

Desmond K. Canning Feminism has been defined and redefined by different feminist movements and scholars over time (Calixte, Johnson, & Motapayne, 2017). Feminist ideology focuses on the male dominance and inequality experienced by the female gender. While feminism is gender-specific, it has been debated whether feminism can be universally implied since not all cultures and…

Article 12: To My Love, Wayne

Chadwin Scatch I thought it was the end of my life and then I met you I said I would come back after going to pass out eventually I did When we laughed I cramped I ached for your smile again I prayed for someone like you Even tho I’m still a young fool I…

Article 11: Pocahontas: An Exploration of Facts from Scrutiny of the Fictions

Paul Nicholas Matczuk The Original American Hero – The Legend of Pocahontas            America has a great love for its folklore, ordinary people making for extraordinary history. Pocahontas, President John F. Kennedy, the Winchester legacy, Betsy Ross and Christopher Columbus (just to name a few). Unfortunately, much of what is celebrated of American folk heroes…