Issue 7

Article 2 – COVID-19: Adjusting to the New Normal

Katlyn Nelson-Whitehead The ongoing COVID-19 experience has impacted me mentally, emotionally, and financially, especially as I continue to struggle each day to adjust to our new routine/schedule for hockey, family gatherings/celebrations, school/daycare, and work. When news of the COVID-19 virus hit our end of the woods, I was finishing up the five BA/BN courses that…

Article 1 – COVID-19: Is This Really Happening?

Even though it has been over six months since the advent of the world’s newest, most-unknown, and deadly virus, I find myself asking the same question over and again, “Is this really happening?” And every time, after a few seconds, my mind clears and the temporary fog lifts. Of course, the answer is always a…

From the Editors’ Desk

On behalf of the Editorial Board of Muses from the North, we would like to wish our readers an incredible year of 2021.It is refreshing to note that the challenging year of 2020 has now been shelved in the annals of history. The COVID-19 pandemic, which hit every corner of the globe, did not spare…