Issue 4

Article 4 – The Death Bird

by Hope RichardsMy name is Hope Richards, and I am an eighteen-year-old Cree woman from a small reserve called Opaskwayak Cree Nation in northern Manitoba. Growing up, I was always interested in all kinds of art. Drawing Indigenous art is not something I normally do, mostly because there are so many amazing Indigenous artists and…

Article 3 – Power Asymmetry, Paternalistic, and Situational Factors Resulting in Violence Against Women in Canada

by Alicia Stensgard AbstractThis research paper defines violence against women as well as intimate partner violence and other terms related. Examples are provided to demonstrate why power struggle dynamics, male privilege and situational factors in unhealthy intimate partnerships result in violence against women. Also, described as a human rights violation and feminist issue, violence against…

Article 2 – Poems on Northern Culture and Aboriginal Tradition

By Liz Tritthart ​1. Broken Promises Hidden,She climbsFrom her bitter bed.Internal laughter arisesBecause she knows they are liars.Her identity is lost and broken.Shattered.She sobs,Praying her ancestors hear her cries,But the sky is only filled with false hopeAnd smog from their industrialization.Her land, ravished.She lives a woeful tale,With an identity that has beenSTRIPPEDAWAY…Recycled.Refabricated.Unrecognizable.How many more years…

Article 1 – My Little Jilly-bean

by Hannah Pajic As I stared over my mother’s unconscious body, out cold on the scratched leather couch, I began to find myself picturing violent scenes in my head. I wondered how thick her skin would be if I were to take a kitchen knife to it. Would her blood be brightly red or darkly…

Words from the Editors

Tansi! Our deepest appreciations go to the following groups and individuals for their remarkable contributions to the successes that we have so far recorded since the launch of Muses from the North: first, our student contributors; second, President Doug Lauvstad and the VPAR, Dr. Dan Smith; third, Dean Harvey Briggs of the Faculty of Arts…