Posts by UCN
Article 7: Healing Involves more than Drum Making: An Interview with Robert Lathlin
Nateshia Constant Notes from the interviewer: Some of the content shared by Robert Lathlin may trigger emotionally negative feelings to the reader. Robert Lathlin (Bob) is an intergenerational victim of the residential school system and a survivor of Indian Day School, Manitoba. Bob has experienced trauma, and he would like to share his experience…
Read MoreArticle 6: Residential School Days
Alicia Stensgard (Disclaimer of the playwright: This play portrays traumatic experiences of residential school survivors. All the names, characters, places, events and incidents in this play are either the product of my research on residential schools in Canada or my imagination based on the stories I have heard about the residential schools. or used in…
Read MoreArticle 5: The Power of Indigenous Women
Madison Gurniak Indigenous groups were mainly traditionally matrilineal as women in the societies existed as sacred in numerous Indigenous communities. Women were honoured and respected from time immemoriable, and their divine power has been well understood and held up high since then. Several Indigenous stories and myths in the required readings of the course, Indigenous…
Read MoreArticle 4: We are not numbers
Nateshia Constant I feel as if we are still proclaimed as numbers Just like before, our names still translate into a number which resides in our treaty number The government is still counting First Nations as numbers Filing our life into its growing statistical list of nothing but growing numbers First Nations children in Residential…
Read MoreArticle 3: An Interview with Elder Kelsey Bighetty on Indigenous Philosophy and Culture
Jefferson Cook This interview was conducted on March 31, 2021 to fulfill the assignment of the course “Philosophy and Culture” (ANS 3400) by Dr. Jennie Wastesicoot. K.B: You’ve got some questions for me (laughter)? J.C: Yes; ok; so, it’s recording right now; they’ll hears us. Interviewee Kelsey Bighetty, interviewer Jefferson Cook. The three questions I…
Read MoreArticle 2: Poetry and Reconciliation
Madison Gurniak 1 Louise Erdrich’s “Indian Boarding School: The Runaways” and Marilyn Dumont’s “Helen Betty Osborne” and Calls to Action Indigenous communities in Canada have endured decades of oppression marked by racial discrimination, relative deprivation, socioeconomic marginalization, and victimization, among other forms of social injustices. The oppression subjected to these Indigenous communities has adversely…
Read MoreArticle 1: Working on Truth & Reconciliation at University College of the North
Jennie Wastesicoot Since Canada and Indigenous people began working on reconciliation, a lot of good work has taken place bringing people together but at the same time bringing division and discomfort between Indigenous people as more and more truth is revealed about the things that happened at the residential schools. This was evident at…
Read MoreFrom the Editors’ Desk
Muses from the North (MFTN) is honoured to have received a grant from The Small Research Grants Fund by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) to release two special issues on the topic of Truth and Reconciliation based on the perspectives of students at the University College of the North (UCN). The majority…
Read MoreImproving Access to Driver Training in Northern Manitoba
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 4, 2023 Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) and University College of the North (UCN) are partnering to launch a new program to increase access to driver training programming in northern Manitoba. The UCN Class 5 Adult Driver Training Program will help create safer roads and improve workforce development in this critical area…
Read MoreUCN Announces Expanded Child Care Programs
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 22, 2023 (The Pas/Thompson, MB) – The University College of the North is excited to announce the significant expansion of its childcare programs following approval from the Manitoba Department of Advanced Education and Training. The expansion includes modifications to the following programs: ” Early Childhood Education Diploma program ” Early Learning…
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