Article 4: How I Feel to Live in the North
Chadwin Scatch
Being in the north
the north of Canada
I always feel like
I’m cursed with the love for winter
even if it is summer
Imaginary snowflakes
white and fluffy
give me happy chills
just as real sunny days
often brings me bad moods
Being in the North
the north of Canada
I feel like I’m home
fresh air, the Cree
anywhere South
displeases me
I don’t know why
Too many people
Too many problems
They complain as if they know what it is like
to be cold
Authors’ Bio: Chadwin Scatch, 24 years old, is from Norway House, Manitoba. He is a major in History and minor in English. After graduating from UCN, he intends to work in his community for a while then to go into his Master’s or he might go for another degree in Environmental Studies, or Photography. He has always admired the art of photography as well as creative writing. He enjoys writing poetry and drinking hot coffee occasionally in his free time. He published a prose, “What a Family Outing Looks Like in My Home Town” in the fall issue of 2017 of before Muses of the North Fall 2017- Issue 1. He hopes would love to publish more pieces of his creative work in the future.

Instructor Remarks: Chadwin Scatch is currently taking the online course of Major Authors and Works of the 20th Century from Norway House. Because of the Internet connectivity, sometimes he was unable to attend the virtual lectures. Chadwin overcame all kinds of obstacles in remote learning and I admire his persistence. While learning poetry through this course, he also practices writing poems. You can share his happiness of living in the north by reading his poem, “How I feel to Live in the North.” The statements the speaker makes in “To My Love, Wayne” are so romantic and declarative that any young man can use to win the heart of the person he loves—Dr. Ying Kong.