Article 16: My Mother’s Hands
Tena Hart
As I look upon my mother’s hands, I see the beauty of the world that she has held.
In every vein and wrinkle her soft hands speak of a life that is filled with love, triumphs, and adventure.
With her hands she has traced love into the tiny fingers of me and my brothers.
It was her trembling small hands that caressed my brothers face, when he said goodbye to this world.
She has held heartache and pain, in those hands, but also strength.
Her caring hands have held many of my tears and
Have taught me to overcome the barriers each time she wiped them away.
With her hands she has guided my heart and soul
My mother’s hands have taught me many things
With her hands she continues to live and strive.
My mother’s hands hold a beautiful tale of her life, and of the generations before and after her.
They are courageous and never doubtful, at every reach they are forever giving and loving. My mother’s hands are everything my mother is and more. I love you mom forever.