UCN IK Centre Receives Donation from Manitoba North District RCMP
May 24, 2023
(Thompson, MB) – The Manitoba North District RCMP donated $10,000 to the University College of the North (UCN) ininiwi kiskinwamakewin (IK) Centre.

The Manitoba North District RCMP donation will support this year’s UCN Traditional Convocation Pow-wow. Covering the cost of food, gifts, and honoraria for cultural components such as elder teachings and a drum group.
“I’m grateful that we received this donation from the Manitoba North District RCMP –Thompson Detachment,” said Karl Laubmann, UCN Cultural Coordinator. “This donation will go a long way in providing ongoing support in promoting indigenous cultural programming at UCN.”
The donation follows a partnership between UCN and the Manitoba North District RCMP that began a year and a half ago when UCN began providing cultural awareness workshops to the RCMP. Karl Laubmann, UCN’s IK Cultural Coordinator, facilitated these workshops and invited Staff Sergeant Shayne Smith and Superintendent Ryan Mitchell to the annual Leslie W. Traditional Pow-Wow.
During the event, Laubmann discussed the need for support to host successful cultural events. The officers expressed interest in promoting indigenous culture and reconciliation by helping groups, organizations, and educational institutions. As a result, they made a generous donation to support these efforts.
“The RCMP recognizes the importance of a strong and collaborative partnership with UCN as it directly benefits youth and communities throughout northern Manitoba. We’re extremely pleased that we were able to directly help the college by securing significant funding from the Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund for the UCN Traditional Convocation Pow-wow.” said Ryan Mitchell, Manitoba RCMP’s North District Superintendent.
UCN is thankful for the support from the Manitoba North District RCMP and looks forward to continuing its partnership with the RCMP to promote indigenous culture and reconciliation.
The UCN Traditional Convocation Pow-Wow will be held on Saturday, June 17, 2023 in The Pas Campus Gymnasium.
University College of the North provides learning opportunities to northern communities while respecting diverse Indigenous and northern values.
CONTACT: Monte Koshel
UCN Director of Marketing, Communications & Recruitment
[email protected] | 204.627.8244