Article 4 – Two Poems
by Darrell Lathlin
Hi, my name is Darrell Lathlin, born in The Pas, MB. Born to a single mom and raised on the welfare system, I moved to Winnipeg when I was 10 years old and lost the understanding of my mother tongue language, Cree. Today, I am married with my wife of 20 years, and have 3 daughters. My wife and I adopted 3 more children from my late sister in law. I continue to be educated at 43 years old, and have a dream to become a teacher. I have graduated from UCN two other times, once with a Business Administration Diploma, and a Facilities Technician Diploma. I also hope to become an accomplished singer, writer, and artist so that I can inspire youth to achieve their dreams as well. I dedicate these poems to my moosum and kokum, Robert and Julia Lathlin.

Poem 1: Hope
This word cannot be found in textbooks or journals.
This word is found in someone’s Heart and Mind.
This word in life is sometimes hard to find.
You look to give your life meaning.
You look out to what this world has to give.
You look and try to do better than just to live.
When did hope seem out of reach?
When did life’s reality take away hope?
When did hope fall down a slope?
Realize what you have.
Realize how hope can feel.
Realize that you make hope real.
Poem 2: Is that by Design?
Today, Aboriginals learn about Native culture,
Taken away not by choice.
Is that by design?
Today, Aboriginal have more choices,
Choose to be what they want.
Is that by design?
Today, Aboriginals can go to school,
Free from torment and ridicule.
Is that by design?
Today, Aboriginals can be Doctors and Lawyers,
Achieve the impossible dreams.
Is that by design?
Today, Aboriginals can reunite the circle,
Reclaim the Elder’s teachings.
Is that by design?
Today, Aboriginals can succeed and grow,
Be happy and not be afraid.
Make our own designs.

About the Poet: Currently Darrell Lathlin is enrolled in the program of Bachelor of Education – Integrated Stream (BEDIS) at UCN on the campus of Thompson, MB. Darrell is enjoying learning about Canadian Aboriginal history, specifically in northern Manitoba. Darrell, his daughter and his adopted daughter are all studying at UCN. Darrell aims to reclaim his Cree language to realize the dream of his late moosum had set for him. Darrell is the President of the Student Council of UCN working to make the students’ year of academic studies at UCN enjoyable. He likes writing music and hopes to make a music video related to the Residential School era. Family time and spending time at home is very important to Darrell. One of his greatest accomplishments was organizing a one-day event youth center march. They covered eight miles that day starting from Big Eddy, Mameeck (Cowhead), Carrot River, to the Chief and Council chambers reserve to speak about the positives of a youth centre. With their efforts, the Big Eddy Youth Centre was set up in early 2000s. Years later Darrell visited the Youth Centre on his reserve. To his amazement, the Youth Centre building was the design he put on the reserve’s newspaper, the “Natotowin” in 1999. Darrell was delighted that his dream of a Youth Center had come true.
Instructor’s Remarks: Darrell Lathlin and his daughter Julie Lathlin were both in my class, Contemporary Canadian Aboriginal Literature 2 Poetry and Drama (ENG 2001) in the spring of 2018. Both Father and daughter encouraged each other in their learning process while attending University College of the North. They joined the drama club and put on Drew Hayden’s Taylor’s The Berlin Blues on classroom stage. They both write poems to express their feelings, emotions and hopes of their family and community. (Dr. Ying Kong)